Winfield City High School Library

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one."
George R. R. Martin
A Dance with Dragons

Library Media Specialist: Danielle Stocks

Library Staff: Misty Haney
Next Book Club Meeting: October 9, 2024
Hours: Monday - Friday 7:45am-3:15pm
Information and Policies
Mission Statement: Our mission is to foster a collaborative learning environment by providing instruction and resources that support the school curriculum and prepare students to be college and career ready.
Students are welcome to use the library before and after school and during activity period. During class, students must have a hall pass to visit the library.
Circulation Policies:
Students may have two items out at a time.
Books are checked out for two weeks and can be renewed two times.
Late fees on books are $0.05 per item per school day.
We now have an eBook app and a collection of over 100 eBooks and audiobooks. See Mrs. Stocks if you need help. Also, visit Schoology for tutorial videos.
Helpful Links: