Exciting News!! The WCS 2025 Yearbook is now on sale! Price is $60 this year they can only be ordered online via the link below. Don’t wait, buy yours today! Last day to order is March 15. https://yearbookforever.com/school-store/6deH6hL5zDCY4yvZu4gF5Fr0?fbclid=IwY2xjawIcUv5leHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHQ3C7OeJ5Mvved4VjNg4dQPh8Dz7gl54xj7DREHyYUWtEKkI5g8MOsxpwA_aem_ddQUdLRhVq_62zdj0-qTcg
16 days ago, Chad Beasley
We're doing the listening portion of the ACAP practice test tomorrow. We encourage all students to bring their own headphones if possible. Also, we will be testing all the way thru Thursday. So please have your children to school on time, and try to refrain from checking them out until after ten o'clock.
27 days ago, Joshua Gurley
Winfield City Schools has posted a letter for parents and school community pertaining to a cybersecurity incident. The letter can be found on the school website or direct link provided below: https://www.winfield.k12.al.us/article/1968666
about 1 month ago, Chad Beasley
At the December 2024 board meeting, it was voted to move the PD day on April 24th to April 18th . April 18th will be a PD day for faculty; students will be out of school. April 24th will be a regular school day.
about 2 months ago, Chad Beasley
Tomorrow, December 20th is a 60% day. Buses will run at 12:00 P.M. Reminder that students may arrive home earlier as not as many students are riding the buses.
2 months ago, Joshua Gurley
Reminder: During testing, students can only check out at the specified times on the checkout notes. We want every student to have a quiet testing environment, therefore if you come for your child before the designated checkout time, we will wait until the end of the testing period to call for your child. Also be aware that with many students checking out early students may arrive home by bus a littler earlier than normal.
3 months ago, Joshua Gurley
Reminder that tomorrow is the last day, 11/22 for middle school students to bring cans of chili for the food drive. I would also like to remind everyone that tomorrow's dress up day is ”Put the panthers to rest”. Pajamas are allowed as long as they are school appropriate and no shorts.
3 months ago, Joshua Gurley
Middle School Basketball games for today have been moved to Winfield Middle School gym with 2 games starting at 5 p.m. with Jr. High Girls and 7th-grade boys to follow.
4 months ago, Derek Trimm
This is to inform all parents/guardians that the first nine-week report cards were sent home today. Report cards contain the grades for the first grading period but also how many times a student has missed a class. Remember that all absences count towards the total number of missed days. When a student reaches 18 days, they are required to attend summer school. Also, students should bring a checkout note for anyone checking out for homecoming tomorrow. These notes are for your convenience, and if you cannot find them, you can write one to help us assist in picking up your child. Anyone who does not bring a note will require the parent to come to the office to check out the student.
5 months ago, Joshua Gurley
Tryouts for the 7/8 grade boys basketball teams will be Thursday, October 17th. Tryouts will be right after school at the middle school gym. Students trying out will need to have a physical before trying out. Unless we already have a physical on file.
5 months ago, Joshua Gurley
Attention, everyone! We are excited to announce that the Area Volleyball Tournament will take place in the Winfield High School gym tomorrow at 1:00 PM. Bus transportation will be provided for any middle school student who needs it and will bring them back to the middle school before school ends. Please note that season passes cannot be used for this event. Admission is $10, and there will be concessions available for purchase.
5 months ago, Joshua Gurley
Tryouts for the 7/8 grade boys basketball teams will be Thursday, October 17th. Tryouts will be right after school at the middle school gym.
5 months ago, Joshua Gurley
I just want to remind parents that progress reports went home last Friday, 9/13. If you did not get to see the progress report or need another report printed, please let WMS know.
6 months ago, Joshua Gurley
Winfield Schools and the Cross Country team would like to thank Mrs. Dana Peoples and State Bank for their continued support of the school system.
6 months ago, Joshua Gurley
#StateBankAndTrust #Loveourcommunity
Winfield Schools and the Cross Country team would like to thank Mrs. Dana Peoples and State Bank for their continued support of the school system.
6 months ago, Joshua Gurley
#StateBankAndTrust #Loveourcommunity
Due to the continued construction and moving lockers, we will not allow anyone to go down the halls for grades 5, 6, and 7. 5th will meet in the lunch room at 5:00-7:00 PM. The 6th will meet in the lunchroom at 5:30-7:30. The 7th grade will meet in the gym. 8th grade will meet down 8th grade hall. Teachers are here and excited to meet their new students! You are welcome to come to the office if you have any questions. There will be people available to assist with enrollment as well. Do not worry; school will be ready on Wednesday; we just need a little more time.
7 months ago, Joshua Gurley
Winfield Middle School students' report cards can be picked up at the middle school starting on 6/5/24.
9 months ago, Joshua Gurley
WMS Awards will be as follows: 5/14 - 8th Grade at 8:15AM 5/14 - 7th Grade at 9:30AM 5/15 - 5th Grade at 8:15AM 5/15 - 6th Grade at 9:30AM All award ceremonies will be in the middle school gym.
10 months ago, Joshua Gurley
Tomorrow, May 9th, 5/6 grade students may attend a play with some middle school students as cast members. Admission costs $5.00, and concessions will be available for students to purchase.
10 months ago, Joshua Gurley
On Thursday, April 11th, we will begin ACAP testing at WMS. Please help students remember their headphones. It is also encouraged that students get a good night's rest and eat a healthy breakfast (the Lunchroom serves an awesome breakfast). Make sure students arrive on time, as they will not be allowed into the classroom once the test begins. Thank you for helping to ensure the students do their very best!
11 months ago, Joshua Gurley