Registration begins at 8:00 am.
Please take a look at the Kindergarten Parent Letter
Students must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2023.
What you will need on the day of Kindergarten Registration: 1. Only the child registering for Kindergarten 2. A copy of the original birth certificate 3. A copy of the child’s Social Security Card 4. Original up-to-date Blue Immunization Record 5. Two copies of proof of residence 6. Completed enrollment forms (attached) 7. Any pertinent court papers regarding student’s care
What to expect at Kindergarten Registration: *Only the student registering should be present with a parent. Siblings should not attend. *Follow the signs and building through the auditorium doors only. *Sign student in at registration table. *Turn in required forms listed above. Bringing copies of required forms will decrease wait times. *Parents will attend the Parent Orientation in the Auditorium, while students take a kindergarten readiness test with teachers.
Please park in the parking lot beside the track facilty.
For more information: call 205-487-2305.