Happy National School Counseling Week to Mrs. Candace Shipp! Candace embodies everything and more of what an elementary counselor should possess. She is caring, compassionate, understanding, and always willing to go the extra mile. WES loves you, Mrs. Shipp! Thank you for everything that you do each day for our students.
The Third Grade at WES class won a $50 gift card prize! These students averaged 5+ passed lessons and are now named an Imagine Math Classroom of the Month!
WES students will be taking the i-Ready reading and math benchmark assessment tomorrow, December 1, and Wednesday, December 2. i-Ready allows us to meet your child where they are and provides us with data to inform instruction. Please help us by ensuring your student(s) get a good night’s sleep and a full breakfast the day of the assessment. Thank you for partnering with us to create the best environment for learning!
WES parents and guardians, please ensure that you are sending a mask with your student each day. If students are 6 or younger, the mask is highly encouraged.
The Student of the Month ceremony will take place tomorrow at WES. The ceremony will be virtual, and all guardians, parents, family, and friends can view the ceremony live on Facebook. Grades 2 -4 will attend the ceremony at 8:00 AM. PreK-1 will have their ceremony at 8:30.
Christmas pictures will take place tomorrow, November 20, at WES!
Winfield City Elementary will be distributing 5 breakfast meals and 5 lunches to all enrolled students on Tuesday, November 10 from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Please order your students meals by going to http://www.paypam.com and click on the box "OrderNow" by 11:59 pm Sunday, November 8 to reserve your child’s meals. If you do not have a PayPam account, please create an account to order. Call 1-205-487-0228 for any questions Monday though Friday 6:30 am to 2:30 pm or email smccaleb@winfield.k12.al.us. All meals are FREE. We would like to encourage all parents to participate.
Mrs. Brandice Lewis was selected as Marion County’s winning applicant for the Birmingham Zoo’s Digital Discovery Scholarship for Title 1 schools! There were over 250 applicants from schools throughout the state of Alabama to apply for this opportunity. The scholarship will allow her students to participate in a Spire Digital Discovery Program.
Our Kindergarten class participated in engaging STEM lessons today for STEM-O-WEEN.
3rd and 4th grade girls were provided an hour of STEM events by Mrs. Jennifer Birmingham and Mrs. Daphne Hendrix. The topics were chemistry and rocketry. #girlpowered #redefiningthefaceofSTEM
Red Ribbon Week is October 26-29!
The school store is in full swing. Please support the WES students!!
Mrs. Mays' third grade students discover how water reacts on a slope.
If your student has been tested for COVID, we ask that you keep them home the recommended time required by the physician and notify the school immediately. If someone in your household has been tested, all members must quarantine until the results are negative, and the member has been fever-free for 24 hours. Please partner with us in keeping our students safe.
WES Car Line Diagram - 3rd and 4th-grade parents, please note that you will line up on the right side of the parking lot to pick-up students at the end of the day.
Mrs. Mallory Long holding her 1st Faculty Meeting today with her Elem. School staff. @winpiratetales #winfieldcity
WES Open House Dates
Winfield City Schools' Plan for Reopening Schools in August 2020
Elementary School - The school year will officially begin on August 13, with students in grades 1-4 returning to school on this day. However, if your last name starts with “A-L,” you will attend school on Thursday, August 13. If your last name begins with “M-Z,” your student will return on August 14. The entire student body will return on Monday, August 17. Information regarding Open House will be given at a later date. Kindergarten will begin their phase-in on Monday, August 17. The kindergarten teachers will contact their homeroom parents with more detailed information at a later date.
I want to thank all the parents and students in K-3 today for all the cards, posters, gifts and well wishes. You truly made this a special day today! I look forward to seeing our 4th graders tomorrow. God bless.