Winfield High School Counseling Program

Contact Information
School Counselor: Bobby Isom
Email Address:
Phone Number: 205-487-6900--Leave a message, and I will return your call.
Fax Number: 205-487-4257
Counselor Background
1990--Graduated from Phillips High School
1992--Associate Degree - Northwest Community College
1994--B.S.Ed. Secondary Social Science - Athens State College
2010--Master's Degree P-12 School Counseling - University of West Alabama
2014--Ed.S. Degree P-12 School Counseling - University of West Alabama
Check Your Child's Grades
STEP 1 : Call me, and I will create your username and temporary password. 205-487-6900
STEP 2: Go to the Winfield district website,
STEP 3: Click on "Parents."
STEP 4: Click on "Powerschool SIS Parent Portal"
STEP 5: Enter your username and password.
STEP 6: Change your password.
School Counseling Program Mission
Prepare every student socially, academically, and emotionally for present and future challenges. Provide students opportunities to gain understanding of self and others, to participate in educational and occupational exploration, and to pursue career planning opportunities in an environment that is safe, caring, and encouraging. Work to empower students to reach their highest level as productive members of society. --Taken from the Comprehensive Counseling and Guidance State Model
Confidential Services Provided
Individual Counseling
Small Group Counseling
Large Group Guidance
Responsive Services during Critical Incidents
Academic, Personal & Social, and College & Career Guidance
Mental Health Agency and Physician Referral Information
Mandated Reporting of Abuse and Neglect to Authorities
Enrollment & Withdrawal
504, EL, and RtI Program Information
McKinney-Vento/Homelessness Program
State Assessment Coordination
Graduation Requirements
Dual Enrollment with Bevill State
Military Recruitment
Trio/Talent Search
New Graduation Requirement as of April 2021--FAFSA Completion for all Seniors
A mandate was signed by the state board of education in April 2021 that all seniors must complete the FAFSA, Free Application for Federal Student Aid, before graduation. The FAFSA is a free application for many forms of financial aid for college including federal grants, scholarships, work-study jobs, and loans. Many colleges also use it to award their institutional financial aid. The FAFSA website is
The state department of education is allowing seniors to file a waiver with the school system if they choose not to complete the FAFSA before graduation. Contact me if you need a waiver. Request your waiver early. It must be signed by the principal and superintendent before it is filed.
If you would like to have help filling out the FAFSA there will be a FAFSA Help Day on Dec. 16th from 8:00--2:00 in the library. Cole Richards from Bevill Admissions and Ambar Hammack from Talent Search will be here ready to help. You will need parent/guardians income tax refund information, social security numbers for the student and parents/guardians, and the student permit/license number and expiration date. IMPORTANT: At least 3 days in advance, you will need to go to the FAFSA website to create the student and parent FSA ID's in order to complete the FAFSA.
Digital Device Policy for Winfield City High School for Testing
The possession of a digital device (including but not limited to cell phones, MP3 players, cameras, or other telecommunication devices capable of capturing or relaying information) is strictly prohibited during the administration of a secure test.
If a student is observed in possession of a digital device during the administration of a secure test then the device will be confiscated and returned according to school policy.
If a student is observed using a digital device during the administration of a secure test, testing for the student will cease; the device will be confiscated and is subject to search; the student will be dismissed from testing; and the student's test will be invalidated.
Before testing begins all teachers should turn off and put digital devices outside the testing room. Teachers should also be sure that alarms on devices are turned off. Students are encouraged to leave digital device(s) locked in their locker or vehicle. Room supervisors/test administrators should take up all students' digital devices and place them in the hall outside the testing room