Winfield City Schools will be hosting a homework help night on Tuesday, November 9 at 6pm for grades K-5 at the Winfield Elementary auditorium. Teachers will explain the logistics of how reading and math are taught in the classroom and how to help with homework through examples of homework and classroom instruction. Please plan to attend.
Make sure students have a mask this morning. We will bus over for a pep rally at the high school. Students are still required to wear a mask on any bus.
There will be a WMS Title I meeting following the Data meeting on Monday, October 18. The meeting will be in the elementary auditorium.
Any 7th or 8th grade boys interested in playing basketball, you are invited to a voluntary shoot around with Coach Smothers from 3-4:30 pm at Winfield Middle School. This will begin tomorrow and continue until tryouts on 10/20 and 10/21. Coach Smothers will be available today after school if anyone would like to start early.
Reminder to all 6th grade students and parents that the Winfield Band Program be hosting our Instrument Fitting event from 6:30-8:30 PM in the high school band room!
We will have each student try out every instrument and parents will have an opportunity to get their student’s instrument through Gadsden Music’s rental program.
Please Email or if you have any questions or if you can't make it to the event.
Huge shoutout to Faith Fellowship! Hard working people is what makes this system so special!
Huge shoutout to Faith Fellowship! Hard working people is what makes this system so special!
There will be a meeting at the middle school gym for any 7th and 8th girls interested in Jr. high basketball. The meeting will be Thursday, July 1 @ 7 P.M. If you have any questions contact coach Beasley @(205)412-9858.
Friendly reminder part 2. Shorts will be permitted tomorrow, but make sure they are of appropriate length.
Friendly reminder that tomorrow is field day at WMS. Students should dress appropriately, and should wear hats and sunscreen. Concessions will be sold so students can bring money for any snacks/drinks they may want.
ACAP testing starts next Monday, 4/19 and will go through Thursday 4/22. We need everyone at school on test days if possible. Please help by making sure students get a good nights rest next week. Winfield is blessed with a great CNP staff who will have a hot breakfast ready each morning.
Just a reminder! Spring Break food boxes will be handed out to the Elementary School, the 5th and 6th graders at Middle School and High School this afternoon, Thursday, March 18th. Middle School 7th & 8th grades will be handed out tomorrow, Friday, March 19th. The food boxes are FREE and every Winfield City School student will receive a box of frozen foods. If you child rides a bus, the food boxes will need to be gotten off the bus. If you are able, please be there to assist in helping get these items off the bus. Please remember these foods are frozen and will need to be put in the freezer or refrigerator as soon as they get home. Thank you SnapEd and Ginger Eatman for partner with Winfield City Schools.
Pirate Nation we will have Spring/Friends pictures on March 9th. All students will have their picture made. If students would like to have Friend Pictures made, the cost will be $8 and students will need to come by the office and pick up a prepaid envelope to return to the photographer on March 9th. #WeAreWinfield
Hello Pirate Nation! Each Friday, in November, we will allow students who bring a dollar to wear shorts OR a hat to school. If a student brings two dollars they can wear both. All proceeds will benefit a local family.
Dear parents/guardians, The end of the first 9-Weeks is Friday, 10/16. Report cards will go out next Thursday, 10/22. Any virtual student that wants to return to in-house learning, please contact the school by Friday, 10/16.
Fall make-up pictures and pictures for virtual students have been moved to Friday, October 16th at 10:00 A.M. Pictures will be taken in the WMS Library. Thank you
Tomorrow will be Wild West Wednesday or Decade day dress up day. Students may dress up in either for this week's homecoming festivities!
Fall make-up pictures and pictures for virtual students at WMS will be Friday, October 9th at 10:00 A.M. Thank you
Please copy and paste the above link to access a learning video on how to log in to Schoology. This is for grades 6-8 at WMS.
Crows Nest has put together a video to help explain some of the procedures put into place at WMS.