Child Find is a statewide program sponsored by the State Department of Education’s Division of Rehabilitation Services, Early Intervention, and the Division of Special Education Services. Child Find is an effort by the department to locate, identify, and evaluate individuals from birth to age 21 who have disabilities or who are suspected of having disabilities.
Alabama makes the Child Find program available statewide to meet federal requirements governing services for individuals with disabilities.
The Division of Special Education Services and Early Intervention works closely with community service providers and local school systems to locate individuals with disabilities.
Anyone may call for referral information or to find out about available resources via the toll-free Child Find number, 1-800-543-3098; Ashley Seals at Winfield City Board of Education, 487-4255; or Andrea Cantrell at Marion County Board of Education, 921-3191. Referrals may be made at any time during the year.