21st Century
Winfield Community Education facilitates life-long learning activities for adults and children to improve their lives and their communities. Family involvement and community partners are an integral part in assuring the success of students. Academics are improved through the use of technology, the arts, and career technical activities.
Community Education helps local citizens, schools, agencies, and institutions to become active partners in addressing education and community concerns by improving the quality of life in their communities. Community Education also provides many extras needed to provide students with the tools they need to be successful. Community Education offers a broad array of activities and enhances academics in providing quality assistance in the following areas:
Journeys After-School Program
Journeys Summer Enrichment Program
Adult Continuing Education
Curriculum Enrichment and Alignment
Community Classes
Professional Development Opportunities
Winfield City School’s Journeys 21st Century Community Learning Center serves over 80 enrolled students and their families each school year. The program provides academic enrichment activities including STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math). Parent events, homework help, service learning, tutoring, snacks, and an evening meal are provided as well. Success of this program is largely dependent upon community partnerships.
Marion County Extension Office provides services to the program including SNAP-Ed Nutrition Education. This program encourages students and their families to make healthy snack and meal choices. The Catch Kids Curriculum, also provided by Marion County Extension Office teaches students the importance of being active. Both programs are part of an effort to reduce the obesity rate in the county. Other programs provided by Marion County Extension office are 4-H and “Anti-Bullying”.
Another community partner includes the local Sr. Citizens Center. 21st Century students participate in service learning projects for 100 local Sr. Citizens throughout the school year. They include art projects, Christmas gift bags, and donations of hygiene items collected by students. Students also send care packages to the military. “Neighborhood Bridges” provided snacks for students during a time when they weren’t receiving them. McDonald’s provided coupons to students and their families. A local Master Gardener teaches students how to grow their own food. Pepsi Cola, Winfield City Hall, Winfield Police & Fire Department, Northwest Mental Health (therapy dog), Bevill State Community College (Adult Education), and “At Risk Meals” are other community partners.
The Winfield Public Library provides a Summer Reading Program each year for 21st CCLC students in an effort to decrease summer learning loss.
Winfield City School partners include Jr. Honor Society, the Child Nutrition Program, and school nurses.

Winfield City Schools now has a 21st Century Community Learning Center that includes the Journeys After-School and Summer Program for Grades K-8. Hours of Operation are 3:00 p.m. -5:30 p.m. Monday- Friday. The after-school program will not meet when school is not in session. This program offers homework help and enrichment activities. Enrichment activities include arts & crafts, 4-H, Robotics & Rocketry, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math), a student garden, karate, yoga, gymastics, dance, cooking, theater camp, service learning, and field trips. This 21st Century Program has community partners that include: 3M, Pepsi Cola, Habitat for Humanity, Winfield Main Street and Pastime Theater, Marion County Extension Office, Winfield Public Library, Winfield City Hall, Winfield Police Department, Winfield Fire Department, Citizens Bank of Winfield, Historic Harris Store, Bevill State Community College Adult Education, and Bevill State Community College Delta Rho Sigma Honor Students.

If you would like to register your child for the Journeys After-School Program, please complete the downloadable registration forms and return to Amanda Frost - 21st CCLC Coordinator either in person or by email at afrost@winfield.k12.al.us or call the 21st CCLC Director, Jennifer Simmons, at (205) 487-4255.
#AfterschoolWorks from Paul Morin on Vimeo.

CAPTAIN AMERICA visited and read a book to Journeys 21st CCLC elementary students. He encouraged each child to use their own special “super power” to do good things. Students were excited to talk with him, ask questions, and especially touch his shield! He also plans to visit again and talk to them about Captain America’s message; the 3 R’s. (RESPONSIBILITY, RESOURCEFULNESS, and RESPECT).