Scholarship Opportunities
I email all seniors using their student email addresses when I receive scholarship information. Now that I have access to this page, I will add announcements as I receive them. --Jen White
Fall 2022 College and University Scholarship Deadlines
The accuracy of this information may change. I copied and pasted this information directly from the college/university websites on 11/10/21. Make sure to check with each school's financial aid department for official deadlines.
Alabama A & M: Website has 8 scholarship categories, but no deadline is mentioned. It may be on the application online.
Athens State University: Website says that Fall 2021 award date is April 1st, but it doesn’t mention Fall 2022. I expect the award date is April 1st, so it has to be before then. There is no deadline mentioned as of 11/30/21.
Auburn University: Incoming freshmen accepted for admission by mid-January and complete the scholarship application in the Auburn University Scholarship Opportunity Manager (AUSOM) by 4:45 p.m. CST on February 1 receive consideration for general and department scholarships. Financial need is determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and may be considered when awarding scholarships. To be considered for need-based scholarships, the FAFSA must be received by February 1st.
Bevill State Community College: Feb. 11—Scholarship Deadline/ Feb. 12—Deadline for FAFSA to be completed for Needs Based Scholarships
http://www.bscc.edu/scholarships or http://www.bscc.edu/foundation-scholarships
Birmingham Southern College: Academic Scholarship deadline is not mentioned, but it says, "All special scholarship forms and required materials must be submitted by February 1 by 11:59 PM CT. "
Itawamba Community College: August 15, 2022
Jacksonville State University: Competitive Scholarships: JaxApp Scholarship Deadline: February 1, 2022. Drama & Music/Band Scholarship Deadlines: Vary & may require auditions. First-Time Freshman Merit-Based Scholarships: Test scores and transcripts received by May 1, 2022 will be evaluated for potential scholarship increases. To be eligible for a First-Time Freshman merit-based scholarship, you must be admitted by June 1, 2022.
Jefferson State Community College: Presidential Honors Scholarship Deadline: April 1, 2022. Academic Excellence Scholarship: Awarded to all students who meet the criteria and apply by June 1, 2022, as long as scholarship funds are available. Deadline: June 1, 2022
Mississippi State University: Priority Date for the Freshman General Scholarship Application is December 1st.
Northwest Shoals Community College: July 8--Priority Deadline for FAFSA Financial Aid Application. Aug 11—Final Deadline for FAFSA Financial Aid Application (Fall Scholarship Deadline has not be published as of 11/10/21).
Samford University: Dec. 1—First Scholarship Deadline. Feb. 15—FAFSA Priority Date and Second Scholarship Deadline
Shelton State Community College: The deadline for Shelton State Community College, Alumni Association, and Foundation scholarships for the 2021-2022 academic year was March 1, 2021. All scholarships for the 2021-2022 academic year have been awarded. The scholarship for the 2022-2023 academic year will open on January 1st, 2022.
University of Alabama: December 1 – Fall/summer 2022 Priority Deadline for Financial Aid (FAFSA). January 15 – Freshman fall 2022 admission deadline for competitive scholarships
University of Alabama at Birmingham: Dec. 1—Priority Deadline for FAFSA. March 1—Merit Based Scholarships
University of Alabama at Huntsville: Dec. 15—Competitive Scholarship Priority Deadline. May 1—In-State Academic Scholarship ACT Upgrade Deadline
University of Montevallo: For Freshman Merit Scholarships--Entering freshmen must submit an application for admission to the University along with an official high school transcript and ACT or SAT scores by the February 1 priority deadline for consideration. After the priority date, scholarships are awarded on a funds available basis. Other Scholarships—There is a list of several scholarships, but the deadline listed as of 11/10/21 is 3/1/21, so these haven’t been updated yet.
University of North Alabama: Feb. 1
University of South Alabama: Freshman Jaguar Achievement Scholarship--The priority deadline date for Fall 2022 is February 1, 2022. Freshman Scholarship Application deadline date is February 15.
University of West Alabama: To be considered for academic, leadership, or alumni scholarship assistance a student must meet unconditional Admissions standards (19 or higher ACT or 990 or higher SAT and 2.0 or better GPA) and apply for admission and scholarship by April 15.
100 $1000-scholarships for students attending Alabama colleges, universities, and technical schools.
Applicants must be seniors, graduates, or undergraduates and have a current Alabama Farmers Federation membership issued in his/her name. Call 1-800-964-2532 or visit an Alfa insurance agency to obtain a membership.
Minimum required GPA is 2.5.
Deadline is January 31, 2022.
High school seniors who are dependent children of member of a participating Alabama electric cooperative at the time the application is made and through graduation are eligible to apply.
Scholarships range from $500--$5000.
Turn in 3 letters of recommendation, list of all activities, ACT or SAT score, high school transcript.
Deadline is February 18, 2022. Application packages must be in office by the deadline. No postmarks.
See Ms. White for a paper copy of the application package.
High school seniors who have scored a 26 or less on their ACT and have a 2.75 minimum GPA may apply. Must be a US citizen and Alabama resident. Will enroll in an Alabama college or university in Fall 2022. Financial need is considered.
Scholarships= $2000 for 2-year college enrollee and $4000 for 4-year college enrollee
Deadline is February 28, 2022.
High school seniors can apply for the annually awarded scholarships. Two types of scholarships allow members to find the path that’s right for them.
Scholarship option 1: Volunteer experience + academic achievement
Winners are chosen based on volunteer experience and academic achievement. Structured as a competition, Modern Woodmen awarded six $10,000 scholarships, six $7,500 scholarships, six $5,000 scholarships and 12 $2,500 scholarships this school year.
Scholarship option 2: Volunteer experience
Winners are chosen based on volunteer experience. This year, 90 member students were awarded with $1,000.
Modern Woodmen divides the country into six regions. Although the regions are not equal in geographic size, they have been carefully established so that the number of eligible students in each region is approximately equal.
Go to member.modern-woodmen.org for complete details and eligibility requirements. Program is subject to change at any time.
Click the link for information on Dixie Youth Baseball Scholarships
Click the link below for information on Bevill Scholarships Scholarships
Unigo is a scholarship website(click the link to see site)
Nearly $500K in Unigo scholarships awarded, click the link above:
Click the link below for information on the scholarship programs:
Click the link below for Financial Aid for College: