For additional information on the Title I programs at Winfield City Schools, contact Jennifer Simmons,Federal Programs Director at
Winfield Elementary and Winfield Middle School's school wide Title I
Title I is the largest federal aid program in our schools. Title I provides additional resources and instruction to improve the educational performance of low achieving children. Its goal is to help those children meet challenging state academic content and performance standards.
School Wide Title I is a Title I program that serves all students within a school. Students with the greatest academic needs receive more in-depth assistance. Title I funds can be used school wide on all students.
A targeted assistance Title I school is one in which services are provided to a select group of students targeted as failing or most at risk of failing to meet the state’s academic standards. Students are selected using multiple criteria and services can be delivered through one-on-one tutoring, small group instruction, after school programs, and/or pull-out settings.
(as used in the Public School System/Title I Schools)
AYP- Adequate Yearly Progress
The measure used to hold schools, school systems and the State responsible for student achievement.
A detailed description of specific level of student performance expected of students at particular ages, grades, or developmental levels. Benchmarks are often represented by samples of students.
CIP- Comprehensive Improvement Plan
The comprehensive plan of a school that directs all educational activities and informs all educational decisions, for all programs and all funding sources, state and federal. This plan represents the school’s comprehensive, integrated plan for school improvement.
CRCT- Criterion Referenced Competency Test
The CRCT is a state-required test to measure student acquisition of the knowledge and skills set forth in the state curriculum.
ELL-an English Language Learner
ESL- English as a Second Language
IEP- Individualized Education Program
A written document which is developed for each eligible student with a disability in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
LEA- Local Education Agency
Also known as a school district or school system.
Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015
The federal law that authorizes funding and contains the current requirements for Title I and other federal educational programs. The act has been heralded as the most sweeping reform of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) since ESEA was enacted in 1965. It expands the federal role in K-12 education and was written to help close the achievement gap between disadvantaged and minority students and their peers. It is based on four basic principles: Strong accountability for results, increased flexibility and local control, expanded options for parents, and an emphasis on teaching methods that have been proven to work.