Area Churches discuss Neighborhood Bridges with their members.

Winfield First United Methodist Church, Winfield First Baptist, and Winfield Church of Christ all discussed the new Neighborhood Bridges Program with their congregations recently. Our program is already helping the some of the students of Winfield City Schools and hopefully, be able to expand to help some of our local citizens who need assistance. We are excited about the possibilities of this program and want to thank these local churches for assisting us get the word out. Below is a description of the program and links that will allow people to sign up for the newsletter and needs that have recently been posted. 

Schools in the City of Winfield are partnering with Neighborhood Bridges, a charity in Westerville, Ohio, to launch Neighborhood Bridges Winfield and create a gateway for kindness.

Neighborhood Bridges was founded and launched in January of 2017 to serve the children, residents, and families of Westerville, Ohio. Neighborhood Bridges has engaged local residents and businesses through direct support and care to more than nine communities in Ohio, serving more than 16,000 Central Ohio children and families. They have now expanded to nine communities in Alabama, with Winfield being one of the latest to join forces with the organization to directly meet the needs of students and families.

School leaders in all Winfield schools, including administrators, teachers, and counselors, city leaders and clergy will advocate for students and families in need. Neighborhood Bridges technology will be utilized to unite the community by helping to facilitate a simple and easy-to-use two-step process to identify, publish, and then fill the needs. These might include food, clothing, shoes, coats, eye exams, school supplies, school fees, furniture, household items, and other donations as identified.

Individuals will also be able to subscribe to emails from the website link, in order to be notified when a new “opportunity for kindness” is posted. Donors will be able to anonymously fill a need through either a monetary donation or by dropping off requested items at the school.    

For more information or to subscribe, visit our website at


 or visit our social media pages at:

Facebook:  www.facebook.com/neighborhood-bridges-Winfield 

 Twitter: twitter.com/BridgesWinfield