Congratulations to Kennah Beth Lacy for signing to play softball for The University of Alabama in Huntsville.
3 months ago, Stefanie Weeks
WMS Students of the Month sponsored by State Bank and Trust
3 months ago, Derek Trimm
Happy Thanksgiving 🦃🍁 to all of our listeners. The WCHS Cheerleaders 📣 will be our guests, today. We will be back in two weeks....
4 months ago, Alicia Cotton
Congratulations to these cosmetology students for passing their test and receiving their BARBICIDE® Certification.
4 months ago, Stefanie Weeks
Thanksgiving Meal at Winfield City Middle School
4 months ago, Derek Trimm
Winfield Middle School would like to express our sincere gratitude to Detective Vincent Sisco for your presentation on drug awareness, fentanyl prevention and drug poisoning. Your effort in taking time to educate our students is truly appreciated. Your ability to communicate the dangers of drugs was outstanding and impactful. Thank you for helping raise awareness and making a difference in our students lives.
4 months ago, Dee Aldridge
There will be a free Thanksgiving meal on Saturday Nov. 23rd from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM at the Winfield Community Center.
4 months ago, Derek Trimm
It's Pirate Spotlight Day! Don't miss the "Bird's Eye View" at 7:30....
4 months ago, Alicia Cotton
Meet the author with our history teacher, Mr. Cantrell.
4 months ago, Stefanie Weeks
Congratulations to Mr. Josh Gurley and Dr. Adam Aldridge. Dr. Adam Aldridge - AASSP District 7 South Principal of the Year. Mr. Josh Gurley - AAMSP District 7 South Principal of the Year. We are so proud of you.
4 months ago, Stefanie Weeks
Mrs. Carothers' class practices coding with Beebots in the library.
4 months ago, Rebecca Moore
Congratulations to Mrs. Tucker and her AP Computer Science students for their performance on the AP Computer Science Exam!
4 months ago, Adam Aldridge
Honoring the Incredible Veterans in our Community Thank you for your service, Winfield City Schools
4 months ago, Alicia Cotton
Faculty and administration from Winfield Elementary attended the annual Alabama Literacy Association Fall Conference in Birmingham today. Learning is not just a priority for our students, but for all educators and leaders as well.
4 months ago, Mrs. Mallory Long
Everyone is invited to Winfield City School’s Veteran’s Day Program on Friday, November 8, at 9 a.m. Light refreshments will be served in the library before the program, and lunch will be provided to veterans in the library after the program.
4 months ago, Stefanie Weeks
WES: Don't forget to wear ♥️, 🤍, and 💙 tomorrow. We will have a mock election and announce the results at the end of the school day. 🇺🇸
4 months ago, Mrs. Mallory Long
Attention seniors' parents/guardians:  Please encourage your child to check their school email daily. All scholarship information will be sent to students via their school email account, and many scholarship opportunities have already been emailed.
4 months ago, Stefanie Weeks
Winfield City Middle School's lunch choices for today are Loaded Potato Soup with Grilled Cheese Sandwich or Stuffed Crust Pizza or Peanut Butter & Jelly Grab ‘n’ Go.
4 months ago, Derek Trimm
Congratulations to our second group of Excavator Certified students. From left to right: Spencer Haney, Bryant Hall, Nathan Williamson, Brady May, Kaden Williamson and Carter Ayers. From our first class: Jimmera Grimes. Thank you ACCS Skills for Success, Bevill State Community College, Instructor Kent Norris, Amanda Tice and Chad Bryant for this great opportunity for our students. #wccta #learnbydoing
4 months ago, Stefanie Weeks
Congratulations to the boys' and girls' Cross Country teams. The girls placed second and the boys fourth at sectionals, which qualifies them for state. We are so proud of you.
4 months ago, Stefanie Weeks