Important Announcement: The deadline to let us know that your child will be attending high school virtually is July 30th by 4 PM. You can call the high school or email Mr. Jackson or Mrs. Weeks.
over 4 years ago, Keith Jackson
Substitutes Needed
over 4 years ago, Derek Trimm
Guidance from ADPH for Quarantine and Isolation. This is current as of 7-21-2020.
over 4 years ago, Derek Trimm
Thank you to State Farm Agent, Kevin Bradford, for his $500 donation to Winfield City Schools. Our community support is unbelievable. @statefarm
over 4 years ago, Chris Cook
State Farm
WCS Child Nutrition Program is accepting online free & reduced applications. Paper applications will be distributed the first day of school. You may go to the following link to apply:
over 4 years ago, Chad Beasley
Parents/Guardians, if you have not returned books back to the elementary school, please do so. The elementary school is open Monday-Thursday from 8-4. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Mallory Long
Parents/Guardians, if you have not returned books to the elementary school, please do so. The elementary school is open Monday-Thursday from 8-4.
Alabama Cooperative Extension SNAP-Ed Educator, Ginger Eatman, partners with State Bank and Trust to provide Good Choice snacks for the Winfield Elementary Summer Reading Program.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Mallory Long
Alabama Cooperative Extension SNAP-Ed Educator, Ginger Eatman partners with State Bank and Trust to provide Good Choice snacks for the Winfield Summer Reading Program.
WCS Transportation staff shares a video about safety.
over 4 years ago, Chad Beasley
Bus Safety
Middle School Supply Lists
over 4 years ago, Derek Trimm
Winfield City High School Supply List
over 4 years ago, Derek Trimm
list 1
list 1
WCS reopening plan for 2020-21 (Updated)
over 4 years ago, Derek Trimm
wcs pirate
High School traffic flow map for 2020-21 School Year
over 4 years ago, Derek Trimm
traffic 2020-21
Winfield City Schools' Plan for Reopening Schools in August 2020
over 4 years ago, Chad Beasley
Each class list will be posted today at 5:00 at the elementary school.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Mallory Long
Each class list will be posted at the elementary school at 5:00 today.
Dear Parents, please complete the following survey for each child attending Winfield City Schools. Your survey is critical for a successful re-opening of school and we value your support and cooperation.
over 4 years ago, Chad Beasley
CONGRATULATIONS to the 2020-21 crew!
over 4 years ago, Sandra Cantrell
Here’s to a great year!
The emergency Meals-to-You program through Baylor University is excited to announce that Baylor was able to extend service through August 15, 2020 for those that applied and were approved. Baylor will automatically continue shipping to your families on your existing bi-weekly schedule, up until 8/15/2020, unless you inform Baylor that you wish to discontinue services at an earlier date. If you wish to have an earlier end date, please let Baylor know through this link: The last day that boxes will leave the warehouse is 8/15/2020. This means that boxes could continue to arrive in your communities after that date. Because so many unknowns remain surrounding COVID, Baylor received permission for this program to overlap with school service in the fall. Baylor is humbled to be able to serve the students in this way. If your students need assistance (address change, damaged box, etc.) they should contact and include the information that Baylor support team will need to accurately locate them in their database (school, state, student name, and birth date).
over 4 years ago, Derek Trimm
meals to you
Letter to Pirate Family in June
over 4 years ago, Derek Trimm
pirate letter june
Our teachers are participating in professional development today to learn more about the science of reading. Leaders are readers! 📗📘📕
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Mallory Long
Our teachers are receiving professional development today by learning more about the science of reading. 📕📗📘
Auditions for CROW'S NEST are being held this week! Students entering 7th & 8th grade may try out for a spot on the 2020-21 crew to produce & deliver daily WMS video announcements. Interested students should visit their Crow's Nest haiku page for information & an application and to schedule a screen test. Don't delay! The deadline is June 19th!
over 4 years ago, Sandra Cantrell