Girls wanting to try out for volleyball should contact Coach Beasley at 205-412-9858 and let her know that you're interested. She has info about tryouts and practices and will send to those interested.
If your student owes money in the lunchroom, you may pay online at or you may bring your money, Monday, May 11, 2020 between 8:00 a.m. and noon to Winfield Middle School. If you would like to mail your lunchroom money you can mail it to Winfield City Child Nutrition, P.O. Box 70, Winfield, Alabama 35594. For questions call 205-487-0228 or email
Senior Spotlight - India Griffin
Senior Spotlight - Kristin Eddy
Senior Spotlight - Bailey Burleson
A big thank you to all our wonderful teachers and all they do for our students. During this unprecedented time in our nation's history, our teachers are doing more for students now than ever. Although today is the day that we say it, we are grateful for our teachers every day.
Winfield Middle School students turn in library books in box outside office Monday thru Wednesday 8:00 - 3:00.
Senior Spotlight- Kaylee Chism
Message from CNP Director: Graduating Seniors: You can transfer the meal balance to a sibling, request a refund, or donate to a needy family IN OUR SCHOOL SYSTEM. Email to transfer funds, request a refund, or donate.
Reminder to turn in Library books by dropping them in proper bin in front of WES from 10:00-6:00.
Senior Spotlight - Maeghan Corkren
Cannot say enough about our tremendous CNP staff at Winfield. They are certainly heroes during this uncertain time.
Senior Spotlight - Morgen Wilkes
Senior Spotlight- Presley Guin
Senior Spotlight- Brock Hollingsworth
Senior Spotlight - Haley Webb
What a great day!! Thanks to our great CNP workers and volunteers for passing out 7,000 meals & 500 gallons of milk today. Also want to thank our local Jack’s Restaurant for milk shakes to all our workers. #sharekindness
Winfield City Schools will be serving meal kits today from 3-4:30 at Winfield Middle School. We will have 500 kits available today with 7 breakfasts and 7 lunches in each. Children 18 yrs and younger are eligible.
Senior Spotlight - Tess Raburn
Senior Spotlight - Garrett Dodd