Mrs. Long reads to Pre K
Such creative hats today at WES!!
Terrific Hat Tuesday for Read Across America
Terrific Hat Tuesday at WES
Terrific Hat Tuesday at WES
Great decorations for Dr. Seuss week. Thanks to Mrs. Moore and others our school always looks inviting.
Our favorite guest reader, former WCS student, Melanie McCullough, reads The Lorax
Varsity softball game scheduled at home today vs. Marion County has been moved to Guin at 4:30.
Brett Burleson, Winfield Chief of Police, was a guest reader for PreK during Read Across America week. Thank you, Chief Burleson!
The elementary school is decorated and ready for Read Across America week!
Winfield's Pirata Vitae Winterguard Wins Competition at Bob Jones High School in Huntsville.
There will be a letter coming home with your child today that we would like for you to take time to read closely.
Check on some of the Career Tech opportunities that we provide for students at WCHS.
Coding and Robots in the library
Unplugged Coding with Pre k in WES library
Pre K classes having fun with unplugged coding in WES library!
8th grade students visiting Career Tech Classes @ Winfield City High School.
Kristen Eddy was chosen to receive the 2020 Long & Long Scholarship. Good job Kristen! We have many exceptional students that are starting to receive their scholarships. Students stop by the office and give us copies of any you are offered and we will recognize you too.
5th graders add fish and snails to their aquariums during science!
Students that participated in Job Shadowing today. Thanks to all the businesses and individuals that helped make this a huge success.